Sunday, December 18, 2011

Upcycled candles

I used beeswax for these because I had some available and that way I could be sure there wasn't artificial fragrances in them that may cause me to have an asthma attack, but they just as easily could be made with any freshly bought wax or recycled old candles.  I could have dyed the wax with food coloring or crayon nubs, but I love that creamy beeswax color almost as much as the smell!  I seriously need to see about getting me some bees!

I got the containers I made them in from a thrift store and most of them were on sale, so I paid $1.48 for all four of them.  They're so cute and smell so nice with their natural, unadulterated beesy smell, I'm rethinking the whole giving-them-as-gifts things.

And they are so easy to make!  I just washed the containers, made sure they were thoroughly dry, melted the wax in a fake double boiler (a small casserole dish floating in a larger pan of water), used some melted wax to affix the storebought wick to the bottom, and poured the wax in.  The teacup, I affixed the saucer to the cup with some adhesive putty the day after I made them so I was sure the wax was really hard.  That's it.  Quicky, super cute gifts for about $2.50 each, including the cost of the wax (which I was given, so I didn't even have to pay that!).


  1. What precious candles you made! I love the cups you found! You did good, girl! Merry Christmas to you and your family. They are so lucky to have you and I think you are just amazing. Hope a job for your hubby is in the future sooner rather than later and lots of gardening in 2012

  2. I do these with soy wax (lower burn point so safer for kids, pets and the elderly) for emergency candles. Way easier to carry a mug of candle around than a candlestick or regular jar candle. And super handy since the power is always going out in the winter up here.

    Yours are way prettier though.

  3. Very cute , hey a new twist to the cups is make a pin cushion out of them !! Batting and some material , glue to the inside, glue the bottom on . You have a pin cushion, I use different colors for different people's taste .. I love mine that I got from my Auntie !!! Hope you have a very Merry Christ mas and a wonderful , Happy , Healthy, Prosperus New Year , 2012 is a great year already XXXoOO
