Monday, October 17, 2011

Meal Plan Monday--October 17-23

I'm trying out a new feature on the blog.  Each Monday (until/unless I decide I don't want to or if you don't like it), I will post my dinner meal plan for the week (breakfasts and lunches are more freestyle/get-it-yourself type affairs around here), along with links to posts that contain the relevant recipes, if applicable, and pictures, just to liven it up.  

Here are the dinners I plan to make for the week of October 17 to October 23.  I may deviate from this list a little bit, but since this is based on what I have currently available, I don't think I'll wander too far off it:

Monday:  homemade chicken tenders (experimental recipe), mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, and tomato slices

Tuesday:  tacos (with homemade taco seasoning)

Wednesday:  shipwreck

Friday:  spinach & feta quiche and garden fresh tomato slices

Saturday:  corn & potato chowder with fresh, homemade bread & strawberry jam

Sunday:  clean out the fridge night aka leftovers


  1. I will definitely be reading. Meal planning is my achilles heel...just can never seem to get it going in a way that works.

  2. Awesome! I love reading others meal plans. It helps me out so much with my own.
